Minutes for the Tennessee Contest Group meeting held July 19, 1997

** Roll Call **

K0EJ     Mark      Hendersonville
K1KY	 Tom	   Smyrna
K4AMC    Jim       Madison
K4RO     Kirk      Pegram
KE4KMG   Mike      Murfreesboro
N4ZZ     Don       Knob Hill
NN4T     Steve     Murfreesboro
W4NI     Russ      Inglewood
WD4K     Tommy     Nashville
WO4O     Ric       Ridgetop

** Club Call Sign **

Well, it finally happened.  After a few mis-starts, TCG finally
has a club call: KF4THO.  We all immediately agreed to apply for
K4TCG under the vanity program.  A quick collection was taken, and
we shortly had the $30 fee in hand.  K4RO has already filed the
application for K4TCG under the 610-V Electronic Submission WWW site,
and the $30 has been sent to the FCC's cash box in Pittsburgh.  Just
in case K4TCG or W4TCG was taken, I chose a few other choice 1x2 calls
that were shown as being available on the QRZ list at the time.
I'm pretty confident that we will receive K4TCG, unless someone else
filed for it on the same day (unlikely.)

It sounds like Vanity Gate 3 is due to open soon.  Now the Advanced
class hams get to spend sleepless nights sweating over possible callsign
choices.  There are some great calls still out there...

** North American QSO Party Teams **

NAQP CW: August 2

NAQP Phone: August 16

So far, we have the following TCGers ready to rock in the NAQP:



Anyone else planning to operate in the NAQP who wants to help out
the TCG score, drop me a line ASAP.  I will assemble teams 2 days before
the contests, and pre-register them.  The CW contest is Aug 2 and Phone 
is Aug 16.  Mark your calendars!  This one is really a blast, folks.

** NN4T Pool Party **

Steve mentioned again that the plans are still on for the August 9
TCG meeting/pool party at his place near Murfreesboro.  Steve would
like to have an RSVP by August 6, so he can coordinate with the food
folks.  Start time is around 3PM, with food being served at 5:30.
Families are welcome, as are prospective contester & DXers.  If anyone
is able to come a little early, contact Steve.  He could probably use
a hand getting set up.  It should be a good time.

** Field Day 1998 **

The Group discussed the possibility of putting K4TCG on the air for
Field Day 1998.  This would be a separate operation open to any TCGers
that feel like trying to maximize a score for FD.  Everyone is still
welcome of course to operate at the club of their choice.  FD seems
to have a different meaning for each of us.  The K4TCG effort would 
be run by those who wish to approach FD as a contest first, with the
primary emphasis on making a good score.  This is just an idea on the
table for now.  The point was made that if we are going to do such an
effort, we'd best begin planning now, as there are considerable logistics
to consider.  Ric WO4O suggested the Ridgetop City Park as a possible
location, and all agreed it sounded FB.  Ric will look into getting the
park secured for us for FD 1998.  K4RO agreed to buy one generator by
the time FD rolls around.  K0EJ agreed to build some quad antennas.
What else do we need to consider?  Satellite, packet, novice, VHF, etc.
Keep your thoughts coming on this one folks, and post 'em here on the list.

** Internet PacketCluster **

There is another way to connect to a DX PacketCluster besides the 
usual VHF Packet routes.  If you have the capability to use the Internet
application "telnet" you can connect to several Clusters on the 'net.
Try telnet'ing the following IP address: 

Use your callsign for the login and password, then type "dxc" at the 
prompt.  You will be signed on to the SouthEast "MegaCluster, K4UJ.  
It's big.  There were 790 users when I logged in just now:
----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     
Hi Kirk!  Welcome to the Southeast MegaCluster
Cluster:  40 nodes, 7 local / 790 total users  Max users 1186  Uptime 4 17:18
K4RO de K4UJ    21-Jul-1997 1528Z    Type H or ? for help >
----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     

** Miscellaneous **

N4ZZ was presented the Culb High Score for 1996 CW Sweepstakes.

There were some great FD pictures from K1KY, KE4KMG and the Stones 
River folks.

K4AMC has some tower work coming up.  He wants to take down his KT34-XA
and do some repairs.  Volunteers are welcome, and should contact Jim.

The new version of RUFZ CW speed training software is out.  K4RO still
can't get it to work with his soundblaster-16 properly.  The latest
version is 3.0.

K4CN has taken ANOTHER lightning hit.  Don hardly ever asks for it, but 
if you use the Cluster and enjoy it, why not send him a little help every
now & then?  He sure appreciates it; and with all the problems he's had 
with lightning, we know he sure could use it.

The rest of the meeting was spent with the usual tales of propagation,
Field Day feats, antenna plans, and contest heroics.  A fine time was 
had by all.

** Next Meeting **

The next meeting will be August 9 at the QTH of NN4T.  The following 
is from a posting Steve made last week:
----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     
     My home is about 4 miles outside Murfreesboro on Highway 96 East 
(known as Lascassas Pike here). The house is 100 or so yards off the 
road, on the left as you are going out of Murfreesboro, and has a large 
black barn and several towers that are readily visible. The address is 
4501 Lascassas Pk and the phone is 615-890-9886. I am sure we can even 
find a 2 meter repeater for a talk-in. I'll put that in a later post. 
Please let me know by August 6 if you can come and have the people you 
invite do the same. I need to let the food people know what to expect. 
Just drop me a note on the reflector or call my number above. There is a 
machine to take a message if I am not home. I will be at the meeting 
July 19 and we can fine tune things then. 73, Steve, NN4T.
----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     

C U all in the NAQP!  Until then, 73.

-Kirk  K4RO        -- Tennessee Contest Group --

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