TCG Meeting Minutes - December 21, 2002

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 18:19:58 EST
Subject: [TCG] 2002 TCG December Minutes

   The December meeting of the Tennessee Contest Group took place on the 21
of the month, 2002, at the Old Country Buffet in Hendersonville, Tennessee.
The meeting started at 9:30 AM, with the following members present and
accounted for;

Jeff              NY4N
Jerry            WB9BSH
Ingrid           KD4F
Tom            K1KY
Larry           K4OOO

   The first topic was the application for membership tendered by Ingrid
Klose, KD4F. She had already met the meeting requirements for the year. Her
application was accepted and she was welcomed into the Group.

   Also discussed was the nomination of new officers for the year 2003. About
six names were considered, and they were going to be asked to step up and
take the positions. Since Ric and Kirk has graciously volunteered to take the
jobs, no contact will be made with the other parties mentioned.

   The other main topic was meeting places. A suggestion was sent to me that
we should not have officers for the three regions of the State, but have
revolving meetings in the four major cites of Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga
and Knoxville, three cycles per year.
   This would mean much traveling for the officers. Also, it was mentioned
that satellite locations, like Murfreesboro could be substituted for
Nashville, and Jackson for Memphis.
   This possible solution could be implemented. Let the Facilitator make the
decision each month where the meeting is to be held. The first Saturday of
each month would stay, unless the Facilitator changes the date due to a major
contest. Locations halfway could also be considered, like Cookeville could
cover both Nashville and Knoxville areas.
   But is there a reason why members of the Group could not meet on the same
day, but in different locations? Following the Constitution, if five or more
members gather in another city, and discuss Group business, could this not
count for a meeting? This does not include meetings like at hamfests. The
only requirement would be a member to take roll and provide the officers and
the Group topics discussed.
   This needs to be discussed in more detail during the next few weeks.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
   The MIC Award was brought up again. I had made a mistake in the November
minutes, instead of raw QSO's to be compared to last year's, a percentage of
the Q's from last year to this year will be used. In other words, how many
percent in Q's made this year compared to last year. I am not sure which
formula will be used to calculate this. After the new Radio Active report is
posted, someone may be able to figure this out. HI HI
   Per Tom, the PRB-1 antenna and tower bill will begin to recycle again
soon. Also, Ingrid, KD4F, has been named the State Government Liaison for ham
radio and the State of Tennessee.

Respectfully submitted,

NY4N  Jeff  (former) EA

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