TCG Meeting Minutes - March 9, 2002

From: NY4N
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:20:09 EST
Subject: 2002 March TCG Meeting minutes

Like to thank Kirk, K4RO, for such a nice welcome to his home and shack, both
were very impressive. Was pleased to see several TCG members make the
meeting. The following members were present and accounted for:

Kirk     K4RO
Jeff     NY4N
Tommy    WD4K
Mark     K0EJ
Don      K4BEV
Tom      K1KY
Chuck    KE4OAR
Jerry    WB9BSH
Dave     WB4LHO
Don      N4ZZ
Larry    K4OOO
Doug     W9WI
Bill     W4RK
Myron    W4UR
Chris    KC5PQX
Vollie   W4TDB
Bill     K3CQ

  The meeting began with a tour of the K4RO radio shack (I use the term "
shack ", but it was anything but), and when the rain stopped, a quick tour of
his antenna setup. Kirk's radio room would be the envy of many of us, his
equipment neatly located on one side of a large room, with several dozen DX
cards to the right. He has his gear positioned for ease of operation from the
chair, and several added items to assist him when contesting. It would take
several more paragraphs to describe all of his gadgets, or "weapons", but
most impressive was the thought, time, and effort that was put into the
station that makes it function so well.

  K0EJ, Mark, updated the Group on his progress with the new TCG
constitution. He was very appreciative of all the comments he had received so
far, and he said he would take any additional suggestions for about another
five to seven days, then close them off. At that point, a final draft would
be made available to the Facilitator, and shortly thereafter, the entire
Group. He is also stating that he will finish way ahead of his self-imposed
deadline of June.

  WD4K, Tommy, had a show-and-tell item, a heavy duty rotator from the Rotor
Doctor. Estimating here, the bottom of the rotor was a silver cylinder, about
6 inches across and seven or eight inches tall, at the top the brackets for
mounting the mast pole. The rotor is also very heavy, but is guaranteed to
handle from 30 to 40 square feet of antenna. It also works directly with the
Tail-twister rotorbox. Cost of the rotor, with control box, around 800-1000

  Chuck, KE4OAR, presented Don, N4ZZ, with the 2001 TCG Radio Active Trophy.
It was beautifully done, transparent award, one you wouldn't mind having
around the shack. Congrats went out to Don from the Group, his hard work and
dedication to the hobby deserving of such an honor.

   W4UR and W4RK, Myron and Bill, brought up the PRB-1 bill that is before
the House and Senate of Tennessee at this time. In layman's terms, this Bill
would ease antenna and tower restrictions for Ham and other radio operators
throughout the State. The lobby group, the Tennessee Municipal League, is
opposing this measure. To fight such a large and well-funded organization, it
will take many letters and phone calls from hams all over the State to get
this bill passed.
   A motion was brought up, seconded, and passed without any opposition, that
the Tennessee Contest Group, as a whole, support the PRB-1 bill. Dan, N7DLS,
the TCG Facilitator, should be asked to submit a formal letter of support to
as many Representatives and Senators as possible stating the Group's feelings
in this matter. Also, other ham radio clubs, along with as many individual
amateurs as possible, should follow the same procedures. (please see the many
e-mails on the reflector for additional help in getting your request to the
proper law-makers) EA.

   K1KY, Tom, advised the Group that the membership list has been fixed, and
he had about an 80-85 % good contact rate with members he had tried to reach
in reference to membership renewals and inquires.

  W9WI, Doug, demonstrated some contest software on his laptop as the meeting
began to take on a more roundtable discussion about different aspects of the

   Corrections and additions to the minutes are welcome. All additions and
corrections will be sent to all members of the Group, and to the Web-master
of the reflector, in a timely manner, via the reflector, Please send any
requests to my e-mail address at

Respectfully submitted,
Jeff  NY4N  EA

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