TCG Meeting Minutes - October 12, 2002

Large crowd for a TCG meeting. The following members were present and
accounted for:

NY4N     Jeff
AF4QB    Becky
WD4K     Tommy
KE4KMG   Mike
WB9BSH   Jerry
K0EJ     Mark
WB4LHO   Dave
K4RO     Kirk
Wo4o     Ric
K4AMC    Jim

The only business of the meeting took place near the end. All TCG members
need to get there two and two, meetings and contests, in order when the ARRL
allows the full section transfer, hopefully before the Sweepstakes in

As announced earlier on the reflector, this meeting dealt with antennas and
accessories. WD4K brought pictures of his new antenna setup, including
installation. The "farm" was very impressive. Pixs included crane work on one
of the 110' towers. Also, a sophisticated relay box at the base of one of the
towers that allowed multi-radio and multi-antenna use from inside the shack.

Members talked about damaged antennas during the past two tropical systems
that past through. Everyone seemed to get through OK.

K4RO talked about 40 meter antennas at his station. Not enough room for a
yagi, will go with a wire array.

The Group talked about six packs and stack matches, those stations that have
them. Some experiencing some problems.

K4RO talked about his interest in RTTY contests.

WD4K advises the RATS group will be sponsoring a Tech class, crash courses,
starting this Thursday and Friday at 7 pm and Saturday morning at 9 am, the
test will occur at 12 noon. The classes and test will take place at the Red
Cross building on Charlotte Ave. in Nashville.

The rest of the meeting had discussions on different antennas and station
toys. Meeting finished about 11:15 am.

Jeff  NY4N  TCG EA.

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